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Dag Gea,
Er zijn verschillende versies van dit lied!
Dansen en zingen maar!!!
Je kunt het lied ook beluisteren:
flieh flah
flieh flah flo
cumelade de cumelade de cumelade de fiste
o nonono notte fiste
hexa mini sala mini oe-a boe-a de mini
hexa mini sala mini oe-a boe-a
Fli – Fli
Fla – Fla
Fli fla flo – Fli fla flo
Fieste – Fieste
Koemeladie koemeladie koemeladie fieste – Koemeladie komeladie komeladie fieste
Ohh ne nooh de no da fieste – ohh ne nooh de no da fieste
Ienieminie hekseminie oeah poewa – ienieminie hekseminie oeah poewa
hekseminie saneminie oeah poewaneminie – hekseminie saneminie oeah poewaneminie
Bi! – Bi!
Biblio de bobo, bediende dade wawa, sediende dade wawa ksst in toe! – Biblio de bobo, bediende dade wawa, sediende dade wawa ksst in toe!
fiésta—fiésta (fiejesta)
coemeladiecoemeladiecoemeladiefiésta —
ooh nono nononono fiésta —
iesemiene dessemeine oehpahoepewanemiene —
dodo endiediediediedada endiediedadiedodo en diedieda en pfr —g buitenboord en ”blazen, dat je zo’n ”scheet’ geluid krijg
Flee Fly!
(FLee Fly!)
Flee Fly Flo!
(FLee Fly Flo!)
Cumala Cumala Cumala Fista
(Cumala Cumala Cumala Fista)
Oh nononono, (not) a vista
(Oh nononono, (not) ca vista)
Ennyminey desaminy punana warraminy
(Eeny meeney deci meeny oo na na walla meeny)
Yip belly wapum bapum bobo wa hipum
New Style New Style we got the new style,
Freestyle Meanwhile sister got it by a mile,
Lifestyle, girls smile, we can do it all the while.
Telephone dialing, rub-a-dub styling.
On a really cool tip, You can be a part of this trip
All you gotta do is this, I said, All you gotta do is this.
(Ooooooooooooh!) Read my lips!
Cumala Cumala Cumala Fista
(Cumala Cumala Cumala Fista)
Oh nononono, (not) a vista
(Oh nononono, (not) ca vista)
Ennyminey desaminy punana warraminy
(Eeny meeney deci meeny oo na na walla meeny)
Yip belly wapum bapum bobo wa hipum
Watch me do it, you can do it this way
North and South and East and Westway
Monday to Sunday, gotta be a funday
We don’t care what anyone’s gonna say
On a really cool tip, You can be a part of this trip
All you gotta do is this, I said, All you gotta do is this.
All you gotta do is this, I said, All you gotta do is this.
Flee Fly!
(FLee Fly!)
Flee Fly Flo!
(FLee Fly Flo!)
Cumala Cumala Cumala Fista
(Cumala Cumala Cumala Fista)
Oh nononono, (not) a vista
(Oh nononono, (not) ca vista)
Ennyminey desaminy punana warraminy
(Eeny meeney deci meeny oo na na walla meeny)
Yip belly wapum bapum bobo wa hipum
Oooooooooooooooooooh! Re-fry this!